CAREGIVIGERS CONNECT was conceptualized in order to create a safe place, a "hangout" if you may call it, a forum where we can meet together, share experiences (may it be funny or not), develop relationships with co-Caregivers and the Management, help each other, support other Caregivers and most of all just be CONNECTED as part of one family of Caregivers for Our Families For Seniors (OFFS) and IN-HOME CARE FOR SENIORS, Inc.
Here we are encouraged to speak up and share wonderful things we know, we've learned, we utilize, we follow and we do in order to better ourselves as CAREGIVERS.
Caregiving is a hard job, I know. So here at CAREGIVERS CONNECT we also offer support. We wish to develop this Forum and then elevate our company's communication with Caregivers into a different level. With you all supporting this project I know we can make it work for our common good, that is, to be a better version of ourselves....better CAREGIVERS.