WE ARE LIVE!!! This is it. IN-HOME CARE FOR SENIORS, Inc.'s new website [www.inhomeforseniors.net] is up and running. After a few months in the making trying to trying to decide how to go about in creating a new design, we have come up with an updated, more interactive website where we can serve our clientele even better.
We have utilized this website to thoroughly introduce the company, the team that runs it and the services we offer. We have also included portals and forums for our Caregivers and Clients alike. It is our way of interacting with them; getting them well-informed and for promoting company events as well.
Through this website we hope to improve and speed up communications. You can directly message us from the website or just call us and we will try to answer or return your call as soon as.
We also feature blogs of the latest happenings within the organization. Everyone can connect through their chosen social media platform. LIKE and FOLLOW us on Facebook or Instagram.
It is not perfected yet, but rather it is an continuous process of perfecting how to better serve and communicate with you. As time goes by, we will continue to improve things so that we can better serve you everyday. /O'/